
Muse《Can't Take My Eyes Off You》原版_和弦谱_调_困难_吉他谱




  • 曲谱版本:Muse
  • 难度:困难
  • 原版指数:简化版
  • 拍号:4/4
  • 音乐曲风:
  • 速度: 122bpm
  • 歌手语言: 欧美
  • 原调:

《Can't Take My Eyes Off You》曲谱简介

《Can't Take My Eyes Off You》是英国摇滚乐队Muse的一首翻唱歌曲,收录于他们的专辑《Hullabaloo Soundtrack》中。该歌曲最初由Frankie Valli于1967年发行,而Muse在2001年重新演绎了这首经典曲目。这首歌曲的流派可以被归类为摇滚和流行音乐的结合,展现了Muse独特的音乐风格。歌曲以强烈的吉他和鼓点为基础,结合了强劲的节奏和激情四溢的演唱,展现了Muse的音乐实力和表演能力。《Can't Take My Eyes Off You》的歌词表达了一种深情的爱意和对爱人的倾慕之情。歌曲以一种浪漫而热情的方式,描述了歌手对爱人的无法自拔的眷恋和对其的无尽赞美。歌词中充满了对爱人美丽特质的赞美,以及对与爱人在一起时的幸福感受的描绘。这首歌曲的特点之一是其旋律极具感染力,容易让人跟随节奏一起摇摆。Muse通过他们独特的演绎方式,将这首经典曲目注入了更多的能量和激情,使其焕发出新的魅力。歌曲中的高音部分和强烈的音乐氛围,进一步增强了歌曲的表现力和感染力。总的来说,《Can't Take My Eyes Off You》是Muse在《Hullabaloo Soundtrack》中的一颗璀璨明珠。通过他们独特的音乐风格和激情四溢的演唱,Muse成功地重新演绎了这首经典曲目,为听众带来了一段浪漫而动听的音乐体验。

《Can't Take My Eyes Off You》歌词

You're just too good to be true

I can't take my eyes off you

You feel like heaven to touch

I wanna hold you so much

As long as love has arrived

And I thank God I'm alive

You're just too good to be true

I can't take my eyes off you

Pardon the way that I stare

There's nothing else to compare

The sight of you makes me weak

There are no words left to speak

But if you feel like I feel

Please let me know if it's real

You're just too good to be true

I can't take my eyes off you

I love you baby

And if it's quite all right

I need you baby

To warm the lonely nights

I love you baby

Trust in me when I say

Oh pretty baby

Don't bring me down I pray

Oh pretty baby

Now that I've found this day

And let me love you baby

Let me love you

You're just too good to be true

I can't take my eyes off you

You feel like heaven to touch

I wanna hold you so much

As long as love has arrived

And I thank God I'm alive

You're just too good to be true

I can't take my eyes off you

I love you baby

And if it's quite all right

I need you baby

To warm the lonely nights

I love you baby

Trust in me when I say

Oh pretty baby

Don't bring me down, I pray

Oh pretty baby

Now that I've found this day

And let me love you baby

Let me love you



